One of the most asked questions at New Hope is, "Why are we here?" and the answer is "For relationship".
I have mentioned before that this was my best trip to Uganda and I think that is because of the rich relationships that were developed and also some new relationships were formed. I could probably write a short story if I were to touch on all the relationships, but for the sake of this post I will focus on my relationships as a sponsor to a Ugandan missionary, Kasana preschool teacher, Auntie Scovia, and a young man named Vincent.
Robert and I with Auntie Scovia and her family in 2016. |
When I arrived at Kasana Children's Center the first thing I wanted to do was to walk over the the school and see Auntie Scovia. I found her having a break-time with her friends and was asked to join. It was such an honor to meet her dear friends and to be a part of their conversation.
After our time with her friends, she showed me her classroom and all the new things donated to the preschool from some donors. She was excited to share about these things and how the kids are enjoying these new educational items.
Some of our preschoolers in 2017. |
Auntie Scovia also invited me to her home for lunch while I was there. She blessed me so much with a delicious meal complete with chicken and a special treat of soda! I was also able to bring a couple dear friends from America to blessed by her hospitality.
It was also a joy to meet Auntie Scovia's mother. Auntie Scovia was one of the first children cared for by New Hope. Auntie Scovia and her brother Richard thought their mother had died during the war, but she was in fact abducted and just recently escaped to find her children. They thought they had no family left and now as Uncle Richard said, "their family keeps growing and growing!". This is truly one of the most memorable and joyous events in all of New Hope history. It is such a joy to be a small part of Auntie Scovia's life and hear first-hand about this wonderful reunion.
Auntie Scovia's home, family, and friends. Auntie Scovia is to the left of me and her brother Richard is the right. |
On my last day in Kampala I was able to spend time with our, now grown, sponsor child Vincent. He is now finished with the sponsorship program at New Hope and working as a car mechanic in Kampala. We are proud of him for working hard and for the relationship with God that He has!
Robert and I with Vincent in 2016. |
Last time we were in Uganda, we taught Vincent the card game Dutch Blitz and he loved it so much we played every day for about a week! I brought him a new deck of the game and we enjoyed playing cards for a short time at a coffee shop. I was then able to treat him to lunch in Kampala at a nice restaurant and have some meaningful conversation with him. It is my prayer that we are able to show him God's love and encourage him in His walk with the Lord.
Vincent and I this February in 2018. |
The most difficult part of my trips is always saying goodbye. It literally feels like my heart is torn in two because I want so badly to be with my family in America, but I also want to be with my family in Uganda. One glorious day we will all be together in heaven and I do look so forward to that day!
On the way home, Vincent sent me a message "Thank you for showing me parental love." I had to hold back the tears! I am so thankful that the Lord has been so gracious to use our sponsorship to show Vincent parental love. It amazes me how God can use our feeble efforts to do such a work in people's lives.
Relationships can be hard, but the fruit of God-glorifying relationship is so sweet. The sacrifice to sponsor is small compared to the abounding blessings from now knowing two very dear people to me!
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