Reflecting On Our Calling - 5 Years with NHUM!

I was recently sitting with a friend over coffee talking about missions, and God's calling in our lives. We reflected on how much peace and confirmation we both received in the midst of our callings to missions. At Kobwin during my last trip to Uganda. It's been 5 years since we answered the call to serve with NHUM and so I thought it would be appropriate to share with all of you how the Lord called us to serve with New Hope Uganda Ministries. We have shared in person with several of you, but I have never sat down and typed out the whole (long) story so here it goes! The Lord's calling to missions in my life began during my freshman year in college. I was so excited to be a student at Concordia College because of their incredible music department. I remember the first time I played in the orchestra. The experience of playing with a college level ensemble was simply amazing. In my first couple weeks I was loving every minute...