For Relationship

One of the most asked questions at New Hope is, "Why are we here?" and the answer is "For relationship". I have mentioned before that this was my best trip to Uganda and I think that is because of the rich relationships that were developed and also some new relationships were formed. I could probably write a short story if I were to touch on all the relationships, but for the sake of this post I will focus on my relationships as a sponsor to a Ugandan missionary, Kasana preschool teacher, Auntie Scovia, and a young man named Vincent. Robert and I with Auntie Scovia and her family in 2016. When I arrived at Kasana Children's Center the first thing I wanted to do was to walk over the the school and see Auntie Scovia. I found her having a break-time with her friends and was asked to join. It was such an honor to meet her dear friends and to be a part of their conversation. After our time with her friends, she showed me her classroom and all the new thi...