A Day in the Life of a Work-from-home Mom

When I explain to people that I work 30 hours a week from home with my kids I hear a lot of different responses. I hear everything from, "You are so lucky" to "How could you do that?". In response to these comments I wanted to give you a glimpse into my day. My best days begin with an early rise, reading the word, going on a jog, and a cup of coffee all before my kids wake up at 6:30am! Some mornings are more successful than others, but this is at least my aim! An ideal start to my day, reading the word outside on a beautiful day with coffee! The next hour is very chaotic, but I make it through with the help of my husband! We try to dress the kids and all eat breakfast before 7:30. This often includes Soren waking up screaming (not a morning person like his momma used to be!). Then I try and rush him to the bathroom before any accidents (recently potty trained)! After wrestling a "monkey baby" to the ground (so wiggly when I change...